Sunday, October 25, 2009

My new front porch decor....

Hello, just finished this little 4-1/2 foot pumpkin guy up for my front porch :) He will be there greeting all those little trick or treaters next week-end. I very rarely make myself anything that I keep so figured it was due time I did .And of coarse I won't loose this guy Ha Ha .
When I get the special little treats finished up I am handing out to some of the neighbor kids I will take pictures and post those.
Hopefully this next week I can get back to some sewing for Ebay. That is the plan anyway it's been so long I may have forgotten how lol :) It has been chilly and raining here ,snowed a couple days ago again .but didn't last long the rain came back and washed it all away which was ok with me .
Hubby is very sick right now has been for the past week but turned into strep throat and now has his knee all swollen up again so back to the crutches today . We will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings might be another trip to the doctor poor guy is miserable . talked to my parents they are down with it as well and I am not feeling so well myself but trying to ignore it right now.

Well I am off to get some housework done and cookies and such baked to get off in a special package to my kiddo . I found such a yummy new recipe the other day when I get a chance I will post it.It's my favorite now:) enjoy the rest of your day I will chat at you again soon .