Hello...It's been a while since I posted .I was having issues getting onto my blog and just got tired of messing with the problem...But checked it today for some reason and it let me back on yay!!!!So here I am...(: lets see if I can keep up on some posts this time ..I know I have been so terrible about it..seems like Pinterest and my face book page get way to much of my attention.... which needs to change...(: I have been very busy chasing my beautiful toddler granddaughter around which is a blessing and I love it .She gets to spend lots of time with grandma while her mama finishes up her last semester at college and works full time.She has gotten to spend lots of time with me since the day she was born and I know how very blessed I am for that after talking to many grandparents that only get to see there grand kids a time or two a year.
I thought I would show you the dress form I made for my youngest daughters graduation party in May .She seen one and feel in love with it so yes mom had to come up with one for her .We molded it to her form and I played until I got it to what she liked. Getting her to stand still while I did the duct tape mold of her was the hardest I think haha. It is so hard to believe my youngest graduated and will be off to college in a few weeks ,she starts a bit earlier then the rest of the kids .This mama is not sure how to feel about that lots of tears and emotions ...but have to put on my big girl panties and deal right..(: She choose to pick a college three hours away so I will spend some time traveling those country roads.The view is beautiful so that is a good thing..(:

And I have found a new passion making bracelets so here are a few pics of those.The sewing machine has had a bit of a break. I love bracelets so figured why not learn how to custom design my own since I have a very hard time finding what I like...(: They seem to be liked a bit by those that have purchased a few from me so I will keep learning and making them I guess....(:
And here are just a couple pics of some things I made for myself with my grams ferns growing in my garden. I have plans to make more things like this to sell possibly ...(:
And just a couple angel pictures .I love playing with those pennies ....(:
So I am still creating a bit .I do plan to start selling online again at some point...Life got me down dropped me to my knees for awhile.... but it will never keep me down for long.In the darkest of times you just have to keep searching for the light ...right...(: and the light and your strength just keep growing as you do.I have been told I have a gift by some ..I am not sure about that myself but it keeps me going ..keeps me creating .I want to share that for as long as I can ,as long as there are people who seem to like what I do from time to time and like to purchase my stuff...(: To those that have kept me going with your kind words thank-you...it means more then you will ever know...(:And it does help to keep me creating my lil creations. Have a good day!!! Great big huge (((Hugs))) Renae