Sunday, January 8, 2017

Felt birthday cake play set for my granddaughter

 My beautiful little granddaughter turned 3 yesterday. She loves to play with her little dishes and such and cook for grandma and her stuffed animals. So I decided to start making her some play food .This is the start of it .A cake for her birthday and she loves her hot cocoa ,so well you have to have that as well, and some little plates to put that cake on .Not some of my best photos, was in a hurry to get them finished wrapped and off to her party yesterday,but wanted to post them, so I snapped a few quick photos. So much fun to make, I think I felt like a little kid again for a bit...(: I will be making her more ,she has a few requests for grandma.  Have a great day!!!! Big ((hugs)) Renae...(:

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bracelets and more bracelets

 Hello, I have been busy playing with those beads. I finally had a chance to post a few pictures. I do have a face book page going again which you will find the link at the top of this page, left hand side. If you get a chance go like it pretty please and thank-you ...(: The link to my Etsy shop is on the right hand side. My sewing machine is down and in need of repairs ,so as soon as I get that going again I will be back to posting and listing other items as well. Have an awesome day!!! Big ((Hugs))...Renae