Busy working on things for a craft show this week-end.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Turquoise , leather and sunflower bracelet
A bracelet I made myself yesterday . I sketched out the idea a few months ago and finally got to it. Hopefully I can tweak it a bit and get some in my shop soon. I like to make things and try them out before I sell any so I can see where I need to add improvements to make things last the longest and wear better if possible (: I also like to use materials that can make it more affordable for anyone if possible . I am more about the art factor / therapy (; and making someone smile than greed (; I do believe what you put out into the world does come back to you at some point (; I Just love the little blue Kingman turquoise beads, that color oh my! And such a perfect size for some of my designs. I am obsessed with them (: Love playing with some turquoise, those colors always put a smile on my face (: Great big huge ((hugs)) Have a good day !!! Renae
And a pair of earrings I did the other day
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Bee mobile I made for the preschool a couple weeks ago that my daughter works at for insect month. My face book page vanished and I have given up trying to find it / figure it out. My guess is it was hacked or facebook just decided I didn't want it anymore who knows. If it ever appears again you will know I found it lol (: I will be posting on here again from time to time . I will be getting a page going on instagram soon and will post a link when I do .I am pretty much done with facebook all together . Have a wonderful day And Happy Easter ! (: Great big huge ((hugs)) (: