Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Little witch annie ornie

Hello , just finished up this little witch annie ornie this morning and got her listed on eBay .
My daughter Natasha's birthday is tomorrow so trying to get as much sewing in today as I can hard to believe she will be 18 already ,my son Zachary turned 19 on Friday . I had them very close together only 1 year and 5 days apart I was a very busy mommy but then I still am LOL but my kiddo's are well worth every minute of it . They always get to pick out what they want me to make them for there supper and dessert Natte thinks she wants cherry cheesecake Yummy:) and still has not decided on what else yet all she knows is something with mashed potatoes so I guess I will be running to the store in the morning :)

She came home from school yesterday with all the information for her graduation in the spring she was mad she wanted a sunflower for there class flower it was on the list for them to vote for but it ended up being a white rose with purple tips I was hoping for the sunflower myself it has a special meaning to us but I figure we can still go with the sunflowers at her party why not that will put a smile on her face :)

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