While playing on Pinterest the other night I came across a lighted star that I just loved .So Hubby went out to the garage came up with a small piece of barn wood we had out there and we did this up.It is not like the one I seen but love it and the fact hubby helped me do it makes it even more special .He is not the crafty type but I think I have gotten him interested a bit after doing this one I hope so .This week-end we are going to work on another one I have pictured in this head of mine I will post it if it turns out.
If you want to make your own just take a piece of old wood trace a star on the back side drill holes and put lights in the holes easy peasy. The bottom is just burlap I wrapped around and used flat tacks to hold in place so I can change it as I want to .

Some magnets I made for the frig.They are easy to make just cut a piece of burlap or fabric and place paper ,tissue you could even use a page from an old book,wrapping paper whatever you like on top of the burlap. I stained a coffee filter and cut it a bit smaller then the burlap. Then place a pressed leaf, flower or feather on top of the filter .Take a piece of clear thin vinyl and sew around the edges.When sewing the vinyl you may have to place some tape under the foot on your sewing machine I used paper tape worked great for me and peels right off when finished that washi tape is good for lots of things (: Then just glue a magnet on the back. I did one up with a pressed rose but gave it away before I got a picture taken so I will have to make another one and post it later. This would even be a cute way to display family pictures ,poems lots of ideas. And would make a cute simple gift.

and some little paper flower magnets made from rolled roses. Just a couple things I did this week. I will be back with a couple more things to show you soon that are almost finished .